Friday, January 17, 2014

Movin' on

Today is my last day at a small consulting firm in Rhode Island. Bitter sweet. I love these people like family, but I'm ready to go. Truth be told it hasn't even hit me yet. I'm sure some night this weekend I'll wake up and realize I don't work here anymore.

I couldn't be more grateful. Five years ago this company took a chance on a full time bartender who was going to night school to get an MBA. I had no office experience, I had never even opened Outlook. Talk about a fresh set of eyes...

On the other hand, I've been done here for a while. It is time for me to push myself harder in my career. Sometimes I think maybe I've never really pushed myself. Don't get me wrong, I'm a true survivor. I've worked three jobs at a time to stay afloat without too much complaint, but when given the opportunity...I haven't always jumped for the stars. School was pretty easy for me. Minimal effort got rewards that were above average, but imagine if I had worked HARD? I went to the college that paid me the biggest scholarship, instead of the one that was going to challenge me the most. I have stayed five years in a job that I like enough, and I'm good at, but greatly underutilizes my skills and pushes me minimally.

It's time. A new company in a new city. A big challenge and room for growth. Room for growth that I fully intend on using as my driving force to PUSH HARDER. Push myself to build a career. To grow mentally. To live the grind now so that later I may not have to....that's the goal. Try and hold me to it, would ya? I may need a shock collar.

Now, the real question is: how should I make my exit? By the way, this girls .gif timeline of what it's like to leave your job is amazing.

Like this:

or just an akward mic drop like this:

or just an Irish exit when no one is looking….decisions decisions.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

This is the part where life sticks it's finger in the electric socket

Well, hello there. Fancy meeting you here. So nice of you to stop by...<<crickets>>

I've decided to start this blog. My first blog lie. I'm three sentences deep and I've lied. This is going well. I started this blog with the name: "Twenty seven and a half, but who's counting"....current name for the first post, "Twenty nine and a half, but who's counting." This either says a lot about the care and effort that has gone into meticulously crafting my first post, or shows my serious ability to get distracted by shiny objects. For two years. I got distracted for two years. I'm so proud....

I feel like blogging is like having a diary when you were a kid. I of course quickly learned you can't trust anyone have a diary in my house when I at the age of 11, (ehh, maybe 9. Who cares. You get the idea I was young and in love and it was all that mattered) I overheard my sister and her friends laughing through the window when she was having a slumber party....of course as a snoop myself I I leaned in intently, only to hear that they were reading my diary outloud. MORTIFIED. I never wrote anything down again.

Scarred for life. Never gong to school again. Life. Is. Over.

I don't know how I made it.

Kids are I was dramatic, huh?

So in this first post here are the things I hope for this little 29.5bwc blog experiment:

I hope I can use this to document this time in my life. I'm starting a new job next week. I'm going to be in a new city. I'm on the cusp of marriage and family. This is the shit. This is the part where life sticks it's finger in the electric socket and I want to try and be present at the start.

I hope to help some people and be helped by people who work hard to find balance. Who feel better when they are fit and eating clean. Who want to excel professionally, and want to be a fantastic partner too. It's important to me, and sometimes it gets hard to do it in a vacuum. Maybe someday this can be an starting place for a community. Motivation, sharing, ideas, support. For no reason other than because balance matters. 

I hope I make you giggle. I know I will make me giggle.